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Chinese Remedies

Digest-Aid Formula


This Chinese medicine is formulated from herbs that have been traditionally used to aid digestion, help maintain healthy digestive function and relieve indigestion. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner. Traditionally used to resolve 'Food stagnation' and retention of undigested food.

Package: 78 Capsule

Dosage & course of treatment:

4??-??6 capsules, 3 times daily before meals.

In acute conditions, take 4 - 6 capsules every 2 hours until symptoms are relieved and appetite resume.

In severe cases or in the early stages of treatment the dosage may be increased by 100%.

Course of treatment: acute conditions 3 - 10 days; chronic conditions 2 - 6 months, usually combined with an appropriate tonic formula.

Safe to use long term.

Digest-Aid Formula
